News Release

Bailey Drive Gateway at Walnut Creek Wetland Park honored with Sir Walter Raleigh Award

Our Raleigh studio, @TheConservationFund, and project partners were recently honored with a Sir Walter Raleigh Award for Community Appearance in the Community Impact category for Bailey Drive Gateway at Walnut Creek Wetland Park.

Since 1983, the Sir Walter Raleigh awards have highlighted outstanding new contributions to the character, environment, and appearance of the City of Raleigh. The temporary art installation honored during the ceremony served as one of many engagement tools implemented by the design team to maintain project momentum during the pandemic, site documentation, and fundraising. The installation increased neighborhood enthusiasm and broader awareness throughout the city, having shone a spotlight on the historic Rochester Heights neighborhood and its history as the first Black, post-World War II subdivision in Raleigh. We are enthusiastic to watch as this project continues to enrich the quality of life of residents by providing equitable access to greenspace that is long overdue for residents of Southeast Raleigh.