On the Boards

Rancho Corral de Tierra Feasibility and Management Plan

Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Mateo County, California

Planning for the future success of a national recreation area

When the National Park Service (NPS) acquired a 3,858-acre site in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, they inherited a network of trails, equestrian facilities, watersheds, and native habitat home to several threatened and endangered species. Park staff spent a decade collecting data, establishing baseline conditions, and observing use patterns to understand the area, then hired a team to explore alternative scenarios for long-range management of all equestrian operations. The study assessed the current conditions and provided recommendations to improve the facilities and identified opportunities for future capital investment.

Following this study, the team was asked to develop a Comprehensive Site Management Plan to guide future visitor access and use improvements. The plan addresses key components like access, trail connectivity, natural and cultural resources, and operations that will help guide the future visitor experience and success of the area.

Services Provided: Landscape Architecture, Recreation Planning, Facilities Planning, Trail and Master Planning


National Park Service, Golden Gate National Recreation Area


Jacobs Engineering, Ware Architecture and Engineering, Sherwood Design Engineers